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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Graduated and no where to go

So I was having a conversation with a friend about the situation with the college graduates this year and what do you know the next morning its the papers front page news. So basically I was stating the obvious, there are tons of people coming out of school this year. Good thing right, everyone's graduating finally time to come back home and get a job and finally start really living. Only problem is that there aren't that many jobs out there for the huge amount of graduates going back to there home towns. With people from 08 graduating class still looking for work, its hard to say the fate of this years class will be different. In a good economy, it takes the average grad student 9 mos to find a job in there line of study. So what is to be said about a bad economy, maybe up to a year or 2. The advice given by the news article was to maybe a great time to get your masters, travel(don't see that being very smart), and settle for that not so dream job to name a few. I guess only time will tell the fate of not just the new grads but all of us.